
Science Made Stupid by Tom Weller
Science Made Stupid by Tom Weller

Science Made Stupid by Tom Weller

As more facts come to light the theory may change. If the theory is a good theory it will fit all the facts and enable us to make useful predictions. the thoery of relativity or the evolution) to fit the facts. A scientist makes observations to gather facts and then proposes a theory (e.g. Pjl_u2, I think you totally misunderstand what science is really about. Read more about Tom Weller's Science Made Stupid (a fascinating tongue-in-cheek work, believe you me!) here: Link state, county, and municipal school boards and districts for works dealign with the origins of man and is warranted to be suitable for use as a teaching tool. So, in effort to bridge the gap between Evolution and Creationism, Tom Weller describes a compromise theory of sorts in his 1986 Hugo Award-winning book Science Made Stupid: Behold the new synthesis of Evolution/Creationism that not only lead to the resolution of major problems in the original models, but also " meet the statutory and regulatory requirements of all U.S. The Evolutionist Model holds that man descended from apes, but it doesn't explain "the tremendous expansion of intellect and other intangibles that characterize humanity." The Creationist Model explains human intelligence as being bestowed by God, but a major weakness in that model fails to account for the origin of Adam and Eve's daughters-in-law.

Science Made Stupid by Tom Weller